
Thursday 7 June 2012

Award Time!

Hey there!
Today I want to share a cute award I got from Robilia *click*, thank you so much!
The rules for this award are the following:
1. Create a blog post which includes the name of the person who gave you the award
2. Insert the award's picture into your post
3. Give the award to 5 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers
4. Contact these bloggers
So, first of all, here *click* dear Robilia mentioned this award on her blog, and you can already see the picture above. And, I gotta say it, I understood all of the rules on her blog in Italian, I'm so proud of myself :D Just kidding :D
Now, I'm giving away this award to these 5 blogs:
You all deserve it! :) And a lot of other blogs as well of course, but the rules said less than 200 followers! Sorry ;)
xoxo, Misch


Thank you for leaving a comment, I am very happy about every single one. Please respect that I will not allow disrespectful or rude contents.