
Monday 23 April 2012

Essence Previews: Perfume and Snow White

Hey dear readers!
Today I have tow previews to show you, and they're both from Essence.
First of all, Essence will launch a new line of perfumes in June, and all 6 scents will be permanent. I found this very informative post about it *click*, unfortunately it's only in German but you can look at the pictures nonetheless ;) I really think that these perfumes sound interesting! When I first heard it, the thought of cheap perfumes for teenagers popped into my head, but they look a lot better than I expected! I'll be smelling them at the store for sure, I can't wait!
The second preview is again for June, Essence teams up with Disney and makes a Snow White LE. Here are three links to see all products in detail: *click* *click* *click*. It's AGAIN a nail polish LE. Sure, that's cool, but for Snow White? I would have expected red lips, maybe a face powder, something black for the eyes, things like these. I do like polishes, and the nail stickers are utterly adorable, but where is the uniqueness in these colors? I kinda miss that a little...but we'll see when the LE is out :)
What do you think of it?
xoxo, Misch


  1. I find Snow white collection really attractive, especially cuz' of the disney characters :) Hope they'll do more disney themed collections!

  2. I want the special effect toppers from the snow white LE soooooo bad, but i don't think those will come to the netherlands :(

    1. yes, they are really pretty! maybe you'll get the chance to buy them somewhere, I'll cross my fingers for you :)

  3. Will gonna check those perfumes. Thanks for sharing! :)

    human pheromones


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