
Friday 23 March 2012


Hey everyone,
today I want to show you 2 awards I got lately, really awesome!
The first one is by Desert Rose, a lovely reader. She gave me the One Lovely Blog Award, thank you so much! Here *click* you can see her post on it.
For this award, you're supposed to share 7 random facts of yourself. But since I've already done that multiple times, and I really can't think of a lot more, here you have a few older links for Random Facts posts. I really hope you don't mind ;) *click* *click* *click* *click*

The other award I got is the So Sweet Blog Award, which I got from Pippasali. Here *click* she mentioned it in her blog post. Thank you so much! :)
This time I'm doing it differently: I'm giving away these both awards to all of you, my lovely readers! You can pick one, or both, and share them on your blog if you like to! You're all awesome, you all deserve to get an award, too, and that's why I do it this way :D Congrats to all of you! :D
I'll see you later,
xoxo, Misch


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