
Monday 27 February 2012

NOTD February 27th: Essence - Got A Secret

Hi there!
Today I want to show you the soon-to-be discontinued Got A Secret polish by Essence. I already talked about it here *click*.
Got A Secret is a pale grey creme with strong blue undertones. In fact, the blue undertones are so strong that it looks like a light blue with grey undertones on me. But it actually really is a grey!
Application of this polish was great, it was super creamy and spread nicely. I did two simple coats, and that was enough :)
I had this on when I bought the Essence Color3 polishes I showed you yesterday here *click*, and I immediately knew I had to use one of the toppers over this one. I picked the Stop For An Ice Cream part of the 04 A Walk In The Park duo, because it's a light blue shimmer with opal flakies, and I thought it matched nicely. And it really does!
The topper was nice to apply, and I really love this combination! It looks super cute and fun!
What do you think of it? Enlarge the pictures, please! :D
xoxo, Misch


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