
Monday 13 February 2012

NOTD February 13th: Catrice - Genius In A Bottle

Hey there!
Yesterday I posted about Catrice's new permanent line and the nail polish I bought from them. It's called Genius In A Bottle.
The color of Genius In A Bottle is a multi-chrome. It goes from gold over to copper to green to blue, at least that's what it looks like in the bottle. When you apply it, the blue part of the multi-chrome fades, and it looks green-gold most of the time. It doesn't change that much, either, you can only see slight color shifts when it's on the nail.
Application was fine, I had to do 3 coats because after 2 it was still a bit patchy. But it was really okay, I had no application issues. The only thing is that you have visible brush strokes. It's not a frost or something, but you can still see the strokes...guess that's normal with these kinds of colors.
The color really reminds me a lot of Chanel Peridot, and according to other blogs they are dupes. I can't compare them myself, but just google it and you'll find a lot of pictures :)
After all, I do think I like this polish. In the bottle and everything it's gorgeous, but I'm not sure about it on my nails. It gives me a little red hands, I think. But it's still pretty :)
What do you think of it?
xoxo, Misch


  1. Boah, den hast du aber echt toll aufgetragen!!! Bei mir sah er nicht so gleichmäßig aus... Ich finde den Effekt auch ein wenig enttäuschend, aber kennt man ja von solchen multichrom-Nuancen. Aber ich finde dass das grün sehr schön rauskommt, wenn man die Nägel kippt, also schräg auf sie schaut^^

  2. I got myself the Douglas dupe and it's very pretty and needs only two coats. It is more coppery than the more gold Péridot.
    Enjoy it!.

    1. I wanted the Douglas one, too, but I guess I don't need it anymore now :)

  3. I think it will look great in my bronzed hands ins summer ;-)

  4. I definitely like the name and that this is a cheaper version of Chanel but this color shifting from gold to green is not my cup of tea so I'm going to pass this one but I like to watch pictures of it

  5. neat-o!

    Come check out my blog and follow me!

  6. It's definitely close to Peridot -- and basically just gorgeous on its own so whatever. :)


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