
Monday 6 February 2012

Important Announcement!

Hey guys,
I have to share an important announcement, so here you go:
Maybe you know that Google will be closing Google Friend Connect in the near future, and that means the lovely 98 followers I have at the moment (thank you so much for that!) will be all gone. And since Google Friend Connect will be replaced by Google+, I set up a Google+ page for this blog. After all, I don't want to lose my followers!
So here *click* you will get to the Google+ page for Misch's Beauty Blog. I also added the Google+ thing to my follower section in the sidebar, so this is all easier for you guys.
I'm still working on it and have to figure out how it all works, but I think I'm getting there. From now on you can also contact me via Google+, if you don't want to send an email or post a comment here.
I hope that I won't lose any of you guys, because it's my followers that make this blog a success!
Will you or have you already switched to Google+?
xoxo, Misch


  1. GFC is kept just for blogger as far as I know...

    1. Apparently just for a couple months more, and then not anymore...

  2. I have to yet figure out what to do about it. Hate changes, Durrr.

    1. you're so right, I had to think about this for some time first, too, but I figured this was the easiest way...


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