
Sunday 8 January 2012

Polish Haul #1: OPI & Orly

Hey there!
It's haul time! Yay, I'm super excited about this one! It was a late Christmas present from my parents, they ordered some polishes for me! I divided this haul into 2 parts, so you're not too spammed with pictures ;)
In this part of the haul I want to show you my new OPI and Orly polishes. Here you go:

OPI Suede Collection - Russian Navy SUEDE
You guys know that this is not new at all, but this was on my must-have-list for quite some time now, and I was finally able to get it! Super pretty navy blue with silver shimmer that dries matte. Here *click* I already did a post on Suedes.

OPI Touring America Collection - Color To Diner For
Now we have something a little newer. This was part of OPI's Fall 2011 Collection, and it's a super pretty red cranberry shade with golden and pink shimmer that is super fine. I love it!

OPI Touring America Collection - I Brake For Manicures
The other color I got from this collection. It's a super dark, dirty purple shade with warm undertones. I love the color, it's so pretty!

OPI Muppets Collection - Designer...De Better!
This silver foil polish with bronze little flecks is from OPI's Holiday Collection for 2011. It's really pretty and the flecks make it more special :) 

OPI Nicki Minaj Collection - Fly
The last OPI polish I got is from OPI's latest collection. It's a vibrant turquoise creme, so fun and fresh! I like it a lot!

Orly Birds Of A Feather Collection - Fowl Play
And last but not least, my very first Orly polish! It's a warm plummy purple with flecks and shimmer in all kinds of colors. I'm so glad this is my first Orly, I'm in love with it!

So these are some of the polishes I got! I like them all a lot, but that's no wonder! Such gorgeous polishes :)
I ordered the OPIs from, and the Orly came together with the other polishes I will still show you from I like both stores a lot, I had no problems whatsoever!
What do you think of these polishes? Do you own any of these yourself?
xoxo, Misch


  1. I got all mine from different Ebay sellers.

  2. Cool colours! I don't have any of them, I like the one from Orly a lot!

  3. @marox: with that I'm never sure whether I can trust them! I'm a little afraid ;) so I just stick to my regular shops :D

    @Salander: thanks :)

  4. @MissDoll: thank you, sweetie :)


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