
Tuesday 10 January 2012

NOTD January 10th: OPI - Color To Diner For

Hi there!
Today I want to show you the first polish from my haul, OPI - Color To Diner For from their Touring America Fall 2011 Collection.
It's a red cranberry shade with a super pretty golden and pink shimmer. The shimmer is very small and fine, but it shows up so prettily in artificial light. In my pictures you unfortunately can't see it that well, so you'd rather have a look at this picture *click*. There you can see it properly.
It was super easy to apply, here you can see three thin coats, even though the third one wasn't even necessary ;) I like to make sure it's really 100 % opaque, and rather apply another extra coat.
What do you think of this polish? It's not too Christmas-y, so it also works for this time :)
See you later!
xoxo, Misch


  1. Too Christmasy? Are you joking? Dark red is the best, specially when it has a little shimmer in it and on shorter nails (like yours) it looks fantastic

  2. I really like these colours and I think this nail polish is quite special with the golden and pink shimmer :-)

  3. @MissDoll: haha, I meant NOT too christmasy ;) thanks :) I like it a lot, too!

    @Salander: I totally agree :)


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