
Friday 23 December 2011

Presents & Christmas Spirit!

Gosh guys, tomorrow is Christmas Eve! There's a lot of stress going on with everyone, I'm sure, and I'm also spending a lot of time with my family, so this is just gonna be a fun chit chat post! Hope you're okay with that :)
Last night I finished wrapping all the presents :) This year I'm not giving away as much, because with my friends we decided to not give away something to each other this year, because we all wanted to spend our money more on family stuff, and we're rather going out then some time together :)
I love love love wrapping presents, I always want mine to be the prettiest ever, but for that I can't do that well enough :D Still, I love Christmas-themed wrapping paper, matching ribbons and everything :) So here are some impressions of some of the presents I'm giving away this year!
And, to get even more into the Christmas mood, some falling snow :) We're finally having some snow, yay! It might still go away, because according to the weather forecast there'll be rain, but I strongly believe that we'll have a white Christmas :)
Are you looking forward to Christmas as much as I do?
xoxo, Misch

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