
Wednesday 28 December 2011

NOTD December 28th: Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer Nails

Hey there,
I'm back from my break! I hope you all had amazing holidays and enjoyed yourselves :) I for sure did, I had a great time with my family, chatting, playing games and skiing :) <3
Now I want to show you the nails I'm still wearing. During Christmas Day, I was so in the mood to paint my nails, and I figured that would be the last chance that year to do a Christmas-inspired mani. So here they are: Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer Nails! I based them on this video *click* by Cutepolish.
The red polish I used for all of my other fingers and Rudolf's nose is China Glaze - Ruby Pumps, which I already showed you here *click*. The rest of the colors were just either mixes or some random polishes, really basic. To be honest, I don't fully remember what I used ;) sorry ;)
What do you think of this mani? And, how was your Christmas?
xoxo, Misch


  1. So cute!!
    We did lots of chatting and some walking (never skiied in my life, lol).

  2. @marox: thanks :)
    that's great :) wow! you have to do that some time ;) I love skiing ;) I guess I'm lucky I live near the mountains ;)

    @DesertRose: danke :)


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