
Saturday 31 December 2011

2011 End Of Year TAG!

Hi you guys!
It's New Years Eve, and why not end the year with a TAG about 2011? Here you go:

Feelings towards 2012?
anticipation :) pleasant anticipation of course!
Done in 2011 for the first time?
Worked! I'm still in school, and I did my very first real job as an internship this year.
Unfortunately not done in 2011? 
I wasn't away on vacation this year, and I definitely miss being at the sea.
Word of the year?
Yay :D
Gained or lost weight? 
I think it stayed about the same ;)
City of the year?
Würzburg  :) There I spent a wonderful dancing time!
Alcohol & parties?
Just a little ;) not too much, but I did have my fun ;)
Hair longer or shorter?
Longer :D
More or less money spent?
more :D being addicted to make-up is for sure not good for your wallet!
Highest phone bill?
I don't know, my cell is pre-paid, I recharge it when I have to ;)
Been to the hospital?
No, I don't remember any time I was at the hospital! Not even for somebody else...that's good, right?! Everyone was healthy, no one got hurt among the people I know!
Been in love?
No, not really. Nothing serious at least ;)
Most called person? 
That's a tough one, I call a lot of people all the time! But I guess my best friend. We don't go to the same schools, but we phone and text really often :)
The best time spent with?
All of my friends. I made friends with a bunch of new people in 2011, and I'm so glad I know them! I feel like I have the best friends one can possibly have :)
Most of the time spent with?
Most likely my family! Other than that, the people at school ;)
Song of the year?
There were a lot of songs this year! So many new ones, so many old ones I discovered for myself, I can't possibly pick one. If I chose something, it would just be from the past few weeks/months, because I can't remember every song of this year ;)
Book of the year?
Harry Potter, clearly :D 
TV-series of the year?
How I Met Your Mother
Realization of the year?
Life's a peach :)
Something of the year you could do without?
Fights, with friends and family.
Greatest event?
Don't think there is a single one I can pick, a year is too long for that :D Too many great events!
2011 in one word?

I think this was actually quite hard to do, because you have to remember a full year! Sure, it felt like it passed in no time, but you still have to think when you want to picture a certain event from over half a year ago! 
I'd love to see your answers to this TAG, so do it! Please :D
I figured I'm not gonna do a Cosmetics Counter, I'm not a fan of this idea anymore ;) Sorry!
Leave me the links to your 2011 TAGs!
xoxo, Misch


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  2. I lost some weight and I am spending the last night of the year in the hospital with my father.

  3. @Salander: great that you lost some weight! I wish I could do that, too ;)
    Ooh, did something happen? I hope he's well!


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