
Tuesday 22 November 2011

Review: Isana Hydro Lip Balm

Hi everyone,
it's getting really cold here, and that means taking care of your body more. Your lips are one thing you really don't want to forget to care, because when they're dry and chapped, that's just not pretty. I'm always looking for a good lip balm, and I lately bought this one. Let's see how I liked it!
  • called Isana Hydro Lip Balm
  • costs 1 Euro for 4.8 gr
  • comes in a tube you have to unscrew, like a normal lip balm
  • contains grape seed oil
  • only available at Rossmann
  • easy to apply 
  • soft texture
  • cares the lips nicely
  • the packaging closes nicely so you can throw it in your purse without having to worry about the cap coming off
  • looks fine when wearing it during the day
  • price
  • makes me want to drink something, I dunno, it dries out my mouth?
  • availability
  • probably not enough for really dry lips
This is a nice and solid lip balm, and I like using it. I just think that sometimes my lips need a bit more care,so when I use this one up I'll most likely try a different one. 
What is your favorite lip balm? Any recommendations?
xoxo, Misch


  1. I like Letibalm (a local brand, available in pharmacies here). It comes in a jar, not a lipstick.

  2. @marox: I guess it's not available in germany, right?

  3. My lips are not very dry so any lip balm works fine for me :-)


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