
Tuesday 15 November 2011

Polish Finish Series: Duochrome

Hi guys!
For this episode of the Polish Finish Series I want to talk about Duochromes. This finish is a really pretty one, and it is quite popular. It means basically that to the main color there's a second one that appears at different angles. So it's like a color shift.
Duochromes are always - I think - shimmer polishes, I've at least never heard of a creme duochrome, I don't think that works. I guess the color shift is due to the shimmer.
Duochromes can be opaque, but there are also sheer ones, so it depends on the polish itself.
The Multichrome is a variation of the Duochrome, it means that there are not only two colors appearing (duo), but a lot of different ones (multi).
Nubar has some very popular Duochromes and Multichromes, but also drugstore brands like Essence do Duochromes. There are more and more available.
Some polishes look like Duochromes in the bottle, but in the end that doesn't translate onto the nail. That can sometimes really be a pity!
I only have one true duochrome, and that is Essence's Out Of My Mind. It's a blue with a light green duochrome. Unfortunately it's discontinued, but you can find other pretty ones.
Do you like Duochromes? I think it's a really great finish!
See you soon!
xoxo, Misch


  1. One of my faves is Where is the party from Essence, and that one is still available.

  2. @marox: so many people like this, I guess I need to get it some time! :)

  3. Oh yes! I really love this finish. It is cool to see how color changes with the light :-)


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