
Sunday 20 November 2011

Nail Polish TAG!

Hey guys!
For today I have a short but sweet nail polish tag for you! :) Let's get started!

  1. What’s your favorite nail polish company?
    That's hard to pick, because I think every brand can have some great polishes! I love OPI, China Glaze, Zoya and stuff, but also Catrice and Essence. So no real pick here, sorry.
  2. Glitter or no glitter?
    Glitter all the way! I love glittery nails! Of course cremes can be nice, too, but glitter is just awesome!
  3. OPI or China Glaze or Essie?
    OPI and China Glaze equally, but I don't like Essie as much.
  4. When do you start to take off your nail polish?
    The second I get bored by it :D I barely wear a polish till it starts to chip, I always have to switch it because that way I like it better :)
  5. What’s your favorite color on your nails?
    Depends on season and my mood. I love all kinds of colors, they just have to be what I'm into. Generally, I love blues and reds.
  6. Darks or brights?
    Right now rather darks, but that could be due to the fact that it's fall.
  7. What are you wearing on your nails right this moment?
    A Harry Potter Nail Design that I'll be showing you tomorrow :) It's OPI - Rising Star with black details.
  8. Matte nails—in or out?
    Depends. I like them, but I prefer shiny nails. But they definitely can be great :)
  9. French manicures?
    Not really. That's just too boring for me! I'm a color and pattern girl. But they can be nice for special occasions.
  10. Favorite fall color?
    Jewel tones. I know, that's more than one color, but that's okay with me ;) Like dark blue, dark purple, emerald green...these kinds of colors :)
Now it's your turn! I tag ALL of you! It would be great if you did the TAG, too :) And if you have some other TAGs I could to, make sure to tell me about them!
xoxo, Misch


  1. I agree with you in all yous answers, but not in the french mani one, I love them! ;-)

  2. @Salander: that's cool! Well, for me french manis are too boring, but I know you prefer more natural nails :)


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