
Sunday 2 October 2011

NOTD October 2nd: Zoo Nail Art

Hello everyone!
For our school excursion day this year we went to the zoo. No, we're not just 10 years old, but we had no better idea ;) Actually we had a lot of fun at the zoo, even if it might sound a bit out of our age.
And for the trip to the zoo I was asked a lot of times to do zoo nails. And here they are :D
I'm not gonna list all of the polishes I used, and not how I did it all, because that would take ages ;) If you want to know about certain colors, or see a tutorial on a certain animal, go ahead and leave a comment :)
I, and my class mates, too, think this is so adorable! What do you think about the zoo nails?
Until next time!
xoxo, Misch


  1. What a funny work!

  2. I really love the penguin, it's so cute! :)

  3. @Lebasi & @Irene: thank you :)

  4. hi =D
    nice work !

    i really need to know how you did the 4 animals
    in the pic at the bottom at the left, the one with the giraffe !

    can you plz make a tutorial for them ?
    if you can't i would understand .. but can you at lest show us what you used to paint them ?

    and thanks a lot ! , i wish if i'm that good with polish =D

    keep smiling

  5. @Mary: sure I can :) I'll try to take pictures of the tutorial tomorrow :)
    I'm glad you like them :)

  6. Great job, friend, funny an lovely. I was commenting yesterday all your posts and I don't see my comments :-(

  7. @Salander: thank you :)
    not all of them appeared in my dashboard apparently :P but I did publish quite a few of your comments, thank you so much for all of them :)

  8. Ohmigosh these are all so wonderfully cute, I adore it!

  9. @NailNerd: thank you so much :)


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