
Thursday 13 October 2011

NOTD OCtober 13th: Jesse's Girl - Garnet + Kiko 232

Hello dear readers!
Today I want to show you a pretty fall polish I'm wearing: Garnet by Jesse's Girl. It's a deep red, in the Rouge Noir kinda style. It's really classy and nice :)
But the application wasn't good at all. I already wore this last year, and I have no idea how I was able to achieve that great coverage last year. This time I had to use 4 coats to actually get it fully opaque. But the result is worth it in my opinion, and it dries really fast.
Do you like this polish? Or the classy type of color?
And of course I couldn't leave it the way it is, so I applied on top the first Kiko polish from my haul I showed you lately. It's called 232, a champagne glitter flakie "sparkle touch" polish.
The effect is really special and pretty. It looks more gold in some lights, and then somehow purple, really fun. I wasn't sure how much I like it at first, but it is very special :) Enlarge the pictures to see it all better :)
What do you think about the layering?
Until next time,
xoxo, Misch


  1. Great. With and without the topcoat, but it adds a little something. Pity the application was troublesome. Try adding some thinner.

  2. @marox: thanks :)
    It's almost too thin, so thinner won't help :/

  3. I really like this dark color (something bloody is this no ?) ! The sparkle is nice too but I would prefer with a few less sparkles... it seems to hide the beautiful color below.
    (Ps : it's my first comment here *excited* ! I read your blog everyday since 3 months now and I honestly adore it ! I am not very at my ease to write in english but I would like to give a try because I think it should be fun for you to have some messages back :) )

  4. @Mimi: first of all, thank you so much :) I'm so glad to hear I have such lovely followers :)
    yes, the sparkle is really strong but this is just one coat.
    no problem, your english is great :) what do you normally speak?

  5. Thank you ! I speak french :) I live in Geneva, Switzerland.

  6. @Mimi: très bien :) je parle français aussi, mais seulement un peu. Mais je trouve que ça va :)

  7. Oui oui ça va :) C'est super de parler autant de langue, tu parles allemand aussi ?
    Moi j'ai appris l'allemand à l'école mais aoutch, c'est vraiment une langue difficile et j'ai énormément de peine à le parler, même si je comprends/lis relativement bien. Depuis peu j'essaie d'apprendre l'italien aussi (vives les boutiques Kiko :D ) mais cela prend du temps...

  8. Très bien :)
    Oui, toute ma famille parle allemand, et moi, je parle anglais bien aussi.
    J'apprends français à l'école depuis 2 ans maintenant, et j'ai commencé à apprendre italien le mois dernière. J'aime l'italien bien :)
    Et nous parlons les mêmes langues :) je suis contente de parler français, avec toi je peux répéter :) merci pour ça :)

  9. Wow! I was not expecting this top coat to look so good! Amazing!

  10. @Salander: thanks, honey :)

  11. To Misch : You're welcome ! Maybe I am going to alternate french and english so we can both practice ;)

  12. @Mimi: thank you :) yes, sure, so we both get something from that :)


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