
Friday 23 September 2011

NOTD September 23rd: OPI - I'm Suzi & I'm A Chocoholic

Hey everyone,
today I'm wearing my typical fall color, I'm Suzi & I'm A Chocoholic from OPI's last year fall collection, called Swiss. Here *click* already showed it to you last year, and here you have better pictures now.
So I absolutely still adore it this color, it's so so perfect for fall! A brownish red creme, so so stunning. In the pictures I'm wearing 3 thin coats, 2 would have been enough.
This was actually so hard to photograph, it's so so shiny!
What more can I say? I love it, I don't think I'll ever get tired of it ;)
Do you guys have a go-to fall color?
Until next time,
xoxo, Misch


  1. @marox: right! That's one thing I love about it :)

  2. WONDERFUL!!! I love it! It is a perfect mix between brown and berry!
    I am still using summer colours because it is still hot here and my hands are still bronzed :-)

  3. @Salander: thank you :) finally someone who understands why I love it so much!
    Well, my hands are never that tan, and I just love the fall colors way too much to let them wait ;)


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