
Friday 12 August 2011

Review: Creme 21 Lotion

Hey there!
Today's review is about a lotion I've been using for quite some time now. Let's get into it:

  • called Creme 21
  • here *click* is there homepage 
  • comes in a orange (their signature color) pot
  • contains 250 ml for about 2 to 3 Euros
  • available at a lot of drugstores
  • contains vitamin E
enlarge to view the ingredients
  • price
  • nice consistency that is thick but still easy to apply
  • sweet scent that's isn't overwhelming
  • scent stays for a few hours before it gradually fades
  • so rich that it is also enough for dry skin
  • soaks in pretty quickly
  • also suitable for hands etc.
  • since it is in a pot, it can be unhygienic pretty easily
  • can be too rich for your taste
I really like this lotion, because I can use it whenever I need some extra moisture. It's definitely not a lotion I want to use every day, because it's too rich for that, but for example after I shaved or something, I like using this. It'll also be nice in winter!
Do you know this lotion?
I'll see you later!
xoxo, Misch


  1. I don't know that brand, not sure if it is available here. With this hot I won't try it. We are having a crazy hot in Madrid now, too much! This is killing me!

  2. @Salander: well, when it's that hot you don't really need it :D here in Germany, at least in the south, it is not too summery, rather like in fall..:/


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