
Thursday 21 July 2011

Picture Tutorial: Ladybug Nail Art

Hi everyone,
a few days ago I posted a collective nail art post *click*, and asked for what you wanted a tutorial. One of the requested things was the ladybug nails, so I'll start with it! Don't worry, I'll be doing the other requests soon, too :)

That's what you need:
- a base coat of your choice (I used, as always, Essence's Pro White French)
- a true bright red (I used China Glaze - Hey Sailor!)
- a regular black creme (I used p2 - eternal)
- a black polish with a thin brush (I used RdLY Nail Art Pen Black) OPTIONAL
- a white polish (I used Essence Stampy Polish in White)
- a tool, like a toothpick or a dotting tool (I used Essence's Nail Art Stylist)
- a top coat of your choice (mine is, as always, Essence's Nail Art Sealing Top Coat)

That's how to do it:
1. Use your base coat on all of your nails.
2. Paint your full nails with the bright red, use as many coats as needed.
3. Use the black polish to create a black tip, like with French manicure. It's really easy to do this free-hand when you twist your nail while you paint.
4. Take the thin brush with the black polish and make a line that separates your nail in half. If you don't have a black polish with a thin brush, you can use regular polish and a toothpick.
5. Use the tool and the black polish to do the ladybug's dots. You can make them matching, or totally random, depending on how you like it.
6. With the white polish and the tool, make your ladybug's dots. These will add extra cuteness.
7. Seal everything with your top coat.
I hope this tutorial helped you out! It's really easy do with some patience :)
Until then you guys,
xoxo, Misch


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