
Sunday 31 July 2011

NOTD July 31st: OPI - Swimsuit...Nailed It!

Hi there!
Today I'm gonna show you the next polish from my haul, Swimsuit...Nailed It! by OPI. It's part of their Miss Universe Collection for the summer of 2011.
The color is a really pretty medium blue with shimmer particles, but it doesn't look like a traditional shimmer. It's hard to describe, you'd better have a look at the pictures :)
It was fully opaque with 2 easy coats, perfect! But removal was not too great, because it stained my nails like hell...If you get it, be prepared for that!
It's definitely one of the prettiest blues I've ever seen, and I love it :)
Are you planning on getting it? Or do you maybe already own it?
I'll see ya soon!
xoxo, Misch


  1. Very nice coloru, even if I am not a big fan of blue nails :-)

  2. @Salander: it is, right?! But why don't you like blues?

  3. I LOOOOVE the nails and everything else about this blog you are like one of my role models and you've inspired me to make my own blog it is

  4. @Bianca and Stephani: awww, thank you so much :) it's great that you like my blog so much! I will for sure check out your blog :)

  5. I like them but not specially in nails :-)


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