
Saturday 18 June 2011

a new AWARD for this blog :)

Hi everyone,
I, or rather this blog, got the Sunshine Award from Juntas, pero no revueltas - together... yet apart *click* in this post *click*. Thank you so so much for the award :)
Now I have to answer a few questions that belong to this award:
1. Favorite Color: This actually changes a lot, depending on my mood, but most of the time it's blue and pink.
2. Favorite Animal: Birds, because I have to budgies myself, and I love them :)
3. Favorite Number: I actually don't have one, are you supposed to have one?! Don't know ;) But spontaneously I'd say 8.
4. Perfume You're Using Right Now: I don't use one ;) But since it's summer, whenever I do wear one, I go for Aquarelles Végétales by Yves Rocher. You guys know that I love this peachy scent for summer :)
5. Something You Always Wear With You And That Identifies You: Well, I always wear my glasses, but I don't have anything like signature jewelry or anything, unfortunately ;) I like to switch things up!
6. What's Your Passion?: On the one hand, make-up ;) I'm an addict, as you might know ;) But also helping other people, especially friends and family.
7. Getting Or Giving Presents?: Giving! I love to pick out special things for my friends and family, and I think there's nothing better than making someone happy with a personal present :)
8. What Was The Last Eyeshadow You Used?: Today I'm not wearing any make-up, so I have to name yesterday's, and that was 070 Mr. Copper's Fields from Catrice.
9. Favorite Day Of The Week: Friday! There I can still see my friends at school, then have dancing rehearsals and at night I can hang out with somebody cool :D And I can stay up late!
10. Are Your Nails Painted Right Now?: Yes, I'm wearing a cupcake nail art design, which I did for my birthday yesterday :)

And now the award goes to...

Thanks again, and I'll see you soon!
xoxo, Misch

BTW: Don't know if you noticed, but I decided to put a little feedback thingie (don't know what it's called...) to the bottom of my posts. That way you can easily tell me how you liked the post :) Hope you're gonna fill it in sometimes :D


  1. We're glad you liked the award. You deserve it!!

  2. Hey, Congrats adn thanks a lot!
    I will post it soon ;-)
    I really want to see that cupcake design!

  3. I got you an award!! Would be great if you posted about it here :)

  4. @marox: thanks :)

    @Salander: thanks, and you're welcome of course :)
    I'm gonna show it too you soon if you want me to :)

    @colli: hahaha, you're awesome, sister :D


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