
Thursday 9 June 2011

My Eyeshadow Collection #4: Pinks, Purples and Silvers

Hey everyone,
while you read this I'm away on a competition with my dancing crew, so cross your fingers for us :D
Here's the next part of my eyeshadow collection, and this one's not really one color category, I basically put all of the colors that weren't enough for a full category in one ;) So here are pinks, purples, reds and silvers ;)

Rival de Loop Duo - 05 light violet
This duo is a really pretty one if you want to wear some color. It has a light lilac part that has a bit of shimmer in it. The other part of this duo is a really pretty matte plum color, especially pretty for fall. Pigmentation is fine with both :)

Catrice Caramé LE - C03 Spiced Red

This eyeshadow is supposed to be a really close dupe to Cranberry by MAC. And that's really the perfect way to describe this color: cranberry. It's definitely red, but with some pink undertones, and it has some shimmer. Mine unfortunately broke when it fell down in by bathroom, so it looks a little messed up ;) But it's still fine, and pigmentation is excellent with this one.

Manhattan MyBox - 51N
I haven't mentioned my other MyBox eyeshadows so far, but that only because I forgot about them ;) This one was luckily in my stash when I took the pictures, so I can show it to you know :) In the packaging it's a really pretty glittery light pink. But it's hard and scratchy and lacks pigmentation when you apply it :/ Not so good.

Essence Into The Wild LE - 01 Mumbamumba

I already showed you the dark part of this duo in this previous post *click*, and here's the pink part now. It's a matte bright pink, and the texture & pigmentation is fine. You could also use this as a blush if you went for a Barbie kinda look ;)

Essence Moonlight LE - 01 Live Forever

This is a silver eyeshadow, and it's really shimmery. It's not too much pigmented, but I really like the design on the product itself ;)

And that's it for this part :) The next part of my collection will come next week :)
Do you own any of these eyeshadows?
xoxo, Misch


  1. Pity that eyeshadow broke. Molly the cat, broke a couple of blushes on a palette. We'll try fixing it with some alcohol.
    Good luck on your dance competition. We had a joint rehearsal last night.

  2. My best wishes for your competition :-)
    I have the one from Catrice (love it!), the Moonlight one and the Into the Wild duo.

  3. @marox: what a pity! let me know if that works, then I'll try it with mine, too :)
    thanks :)

    @Salander: thank you :) we won 4th place which is quite good :)
    that's really cool :) we kinda like the same colors ;)


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