
Monday 20 June 2011

120 Palette Swatching Series: Upper Half, 1st Row

Hi guys!
I introduced you to my 120 Palette Swatching Series here *click*, and today I have the first swatching post for you :) It's the upper half of the palette, and the first row on the left on that. The colors are lighter blues and turquoises. All swatches were done without a base. Here you go:

1 This eyeshadow is a slightly shimmery pale turquoise.
2 This one is about the same as shade number 1, only that this one's a tad darker.
3 This contains bigger, more noticeable shimmer pigments and is a more blue-toned turquoise.
4 Here we have a matte vibrant blue/turquoise shade.
5 This is a little brighter that number 4, and with shimmer.
6 Now we have a turquoise with more chunky shimmer, and it's really glowy.
7 Another matte vibrant shade, but a little more blue-toned than number 4.
8 This eyeshadow is a blue, not as turquoise as the other shades, and it's matte, too.
9 Here we have shimmery blue turquoise shade, a little darker than what we had before.
10 This is a mix between a lilac and a turquoise color, with big shimmer particles.

in the sunlight
in the shade
in the sunlight
in the shade
in the sunlight
Now this is it for this part of the 120 Palette Swatching Series! I hope you found the descriptions and swatches helpful! The next post will be a little darker blues :)
Hope you liked it!
xoxo, Misch


  1. Cool! Good job! Today I just watched a review of a girl giving a very negative opinion of this palette, but I think it is a very good starting option and you can create nice and funny looks.

  2. @Salander: thanks :)
    yeah, I agree with you! I don't know why anyone would give a negative review about it...but, oh well, everyone's different! and there are tons of people who love this palette :)

  3. it seems a little chalky to me

  4. @anonymous: yeah, it does, but on the eye that's better :)


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