
Sunday 29 May 2011

New Poll

Hey guys :)
I just put a new little poll to the sidebar of my blog, because I want to know something from you. I'm most of the time pre-blogging when I have time, and then schedule the posts to whatever time and day I need them. Now at that point you can decided something: When do you want to read my posts? I can schedule them to whatever time, so I'll do it the way most of you would like. So just pick the time you mainly read blogs in the poll, and then we'll see when I'll publish in the future!
So: please answer the poll, it's there to make my blog a little more fitted for my readers :)
I'll see you soon!
xoxo, Misch


  1. Any time is fine. We can catch up with blog reading throughout the day.

  2. @marox: well, that way it's even better :)

  3. It is a very good idea to get feeback from your readers ;-)
    I can´t check blogs everyday but I would say before noon in case I find some time after lunch ;-)
    I like your new template!

  4. @Salander: thanks :)
    it's good to know that, I'll do that in the future :)
    thank you :)


Thank you for leaving a comment, I am very happy about every single one. Please respect that I will not allow disrespectful or rude contents.