
Friday 13 May 2011


Hey everyone,
I'm sorry that there's nothing new up, but Blogger's really weird! I posted a post yesterday, and I scheduled one in for today. But the one from yesterday, that was already published, and the one scheduled for today, got both deleted! I don't know why they got deleted, or maybe the scheduling thing didn't work out, but I'm really furious right now!! I want to know what is wrong with that, but I can't find anything anywhere!
And even worse, both blog posts are gone now! It takes quite some time to type a full blog post, and now two of them are gone and I'll have to write them again! 
Was anyone of you able to read one of the blog posts from yesterday and today?? One was an Essence NOTD, on which I already had some comments, and the other one that was supposed to be up today was a part of my eyeshadow collection.
I hope I'll be able to fix this problem somehow, but I don't think I'll get the posts back. I just don't want you to think that I'm not blogging, because I most certainly am, Blogger is the problem :P :/
If anyone knows what is wrong with my blog or the posting, please tell me! And if this post get deleted, too, then email me to :) Thanks :)
I'll see you (hopefully) soon :)
xoxo, Misch


  1. All bloggers had same problem. I work as computer scientist and I know which problems may happen during a code version update, so please understand it. Programming a web site as blogger is a hard job and we have it for free. Computer scientist is a very difficult job and millions of unscheduled things can happen while upgrading.

  2. @Salander: yeah, thanks for letting me know :) i understand that, of course, i was just a little angry in the first place when I didn't know about it ;)


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