
Monday 28 March 2011

Thank you so so much!!

Hi everyone,
before I will post today's regular post, I quickly wanted to thank you all!
I now have 17 followers, and I never thought that so many people would be interested in my opinion or how I do my make-up, so this is so amazing! I love every single follower, and I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate it so much! It's amazing to have someone who is interested in my stuff, and it's amazing get all of these sweet comments by everyone! I don't care about how many people read my blog, of course it's great to know that there are some :), but as long as there is one single person appreciating what I do, I'll keep it up!
I also want to thank the wonderful Salander *click* who gave me a shout-out. Because of that blogpost I now have even more followers, and that's so cool! You're amazing, thank you so much!! <3
Clicking onto my blog and seeing all the new followers and comments totally made my day! <3
I'll see you guys later!
xoxo, Misch :)


  1. A lot more a reading you through Google Reader :)
    So, I just click follow on the blog, even though I have you in my G-reader few months already.
    Have a nice day!

  2. @B.: haha, yeah :) thanks so much!
    you too!

  3. I am very very happy to have helped you ;-)
    I could´t check internet yesterday and today I find you have 31 followers! Great!
    I hope this is just the beginning ;-)

  4. @Salander: thank you again, this is so sweet of you that you did it! amazing, huh?! yeah, let's hope that ;)


Thank you for leaving a comment, I am very happy about every single one. Please respect that I will not allow disrespectful or rude contents.