
Sunday 6 March 2011

Book-Blogging #3: Dear John by Nicholas Sparks

Hey everyone,
today I have a new book review/ book-blogging post for you :) It's about Dear John,, a book by Nicholas Sparks that I like a lot. I'm sorry if you're not the type of girl (or guy?? I don't know) to read romantic books like these, but I just like it. You don't have to read this review, though.
I read Dear John in English,, because I wanted to read the original thing. The German title is "Das Leuchten der Stille". As always, I'll first tell you some main things about it, and then start with the spoiled part :)
The book is about John and Savannah who meet in summer at the beach. (without spoiling anything, I can't really say more about the story, sorry) It's also devided into 3 parts.

I love the first part of the book the most, because it's so cute and romantic :) I'm the kinda girl to like things like this :) So so cute, their love and everything, it's so amazing <3 I loved it so much and didn't want it to end, but of course it had to, otherwise the book'd be boring. I love love love Nicholas Sparks books, because they're able to be great without having a happy ending. It's so sad that their relation ship doesn't work out :( But it kinda made sense that Savannah married Tim, because they were so close all the time. It's sad again that Tim's that sick, so this story's kinda full of sad turns. I still liked it a lot, it's really good :)
Now, I wanna say that I love this book because it's more than just superficial, it could very easily be true, it's pretty likely to happen. I like Nicholas Sparks books a lot, because he can kinda write about love without getting it cheesy or soupy or anything. A really great book that I read quite a few times :)
I'm the kinda person to read good books over and over again anyway, I just like that :)

Did anyone of you read this book? Do you like it?
Until next time,
xoxo, Misch

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