
Sunday 6 February 2011

LOTD / How-to make purple lips wearable

Hi everyone,
today I have my first LOTD post for you, and it means nothing but Lips Of The Day!
I did this combo because I was in the mood to wear a purple color, but I wanted to a make it daytime appropriate.
see the difference between the bottle and the lip color??
So I did these steps:
That's what you need:
- your favorite lip care / lip primer (I used Carmex)
- a nude lipstick of your choice (I used NYX Circe)
- a purple colored lipgloss (I used NYX Queen of Africa)

That's how to do it:
1. Apply either your lip balm or primer.

2. Apply your nude lipstick. You don't have to be careful or anything, the color isn't meant to look perfect, it's just the base color.
3. Add a few dots of your lipgloss to your upper and lower lip, but not everywhere.
looks funny, huh?!
4. Blend out the color by using either a lip brush or a clean lipgloss applicator. You don't want to add any more color, you just want to blend it out. Make sure you don't paint your teeth or get it outside your lip.
Also, when you wear a noticable color, make sure to reapply it after you ate something, because you don't want to run around, all funny with halft-painted lips...;)

What do you think? Is this wearable enough for you or do you prefer it more nude? I'd like to know!
xoxo, Misch

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