
Friday 4 February 2011

Introducing: Book-Blogging

Bonjour tout le monde,
I have a new little project for this blog that doesn't belong to any beauty topic. I decided to start a little series with book reviews!
What do you think?? Wanna see that? Please tell me!
Of course I already have some books I wanna talk about, but if you have something you want to know my opinion about, feel free to ask me! Also, if you know a book I might enjoy, I'd like to know about it!
And already ahead of time: I won't review the Twilight Series. I like the books a lot, but we have seen a ton of these reviews already, so I think we don't need that another time here.
I love to read, to "escape" into a different story and world, and I have a lot of fun with it :)
It's another passion of mine and I'd love to share it with you :)
So, I look forward to hearing how you like that!
Bye, Misch

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