
Friday 21 January 2011

WOW! :)

Hey guys,
today's post is very very short, I actually just wanted to show you a pic I found on the internet!
Since I don't own the pic, I'll only post the link *click here*
It belongs to the Throb Collection by Illamasqua, and I love it! It's so creative, inspirational and pretty :) I love it so much, the idea and the thoughts behind it are so cool :)
On Makeup Your Jangsara I already found a version of the look *click* There you can also find some more pics :)
I love this pic so much, and I might recreate the look! This is nothing to wear about for sure, but maybe on a lonely weekend....I'll let you know if I do it :)
What do you think of this pic? Are you getting anything from the Illamasqua Throb Collection?!
I'll see you later!
xoxo, Misch

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