
Thursday 9 December 2010

Little Update on Project Use It Up! + a Thank You

Hello Dear Readers,
I just wanted to give you a little update on my project Use It Up!. In this post I introduced you to the project, but I just didn't stick to the rules...I don't know, that wasn't really something for me...I just can't stop buying things...but I try to think about everything I wanna get whether I really need it or not :) Well, as you might notice, I haven't been posting about this project at all...the last time was in October! Truth is, I haven't forgotten about it, and I have been using up some stuff lately, I just always forgot to either take pictures or blog about it :P Shame on me! But I will keep on doing it, mainly because this gives me a nice overview on how many stuff I actually use up... Well, now I got an idea and I hope you'll be fine with it: I'm going to "collect" the things I use up and do a post about them all. I don't think I'll be able to do this monthly, because I'm not that good at using stuff up :P But I'll show them to you every now and then! D'accord?

Also, I want to thank you guys: I have 4 subscribers now and I want to thank all of you :) Also, please do leave some comments, because that's what helps a blog! So if you like something or not, tell me! I want to do this blog the way you like it:) You can alsom email me at if you want to or have questions :)

I'll see you soon!
xoxo, Misch

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