
Friday 19 November 2010

TAG: My Make-up Story

Hi guys, here's a tag for you!
1. How old were you when you started wearing makeup?
Well, I when I was about 11 years old, I would start to look at make-up like most of the girls in my age, but I didn't buy anything and I had like no idea about it at all. But when I was in 6th grade, I was about 12 years old, I started to wear mascara and nothing else. And when I started to get pimples and kinda got into more looking better and stuff, I was about 13, I started to wear concealer as well. And like last year about this time, I really got into make-up.

2. How did you get into makeup?
I've always been a very girly girl and you know now when I did really get into it, and that was because of youtube. The first make-up video I watched was Watermelon Nails by JulieG713, and I liked it so much and her, so I watched more. I started to watch more people's videos and since then I really got into it and learned a lot.

3. What are some of your favorite brands?
I like a lot of brands, and you know I mainly like drugstore stuff, and right now it's probably Catrice because they transformed so well. And I like OPI as well :)

4. What does makeup mean to you?
I think make-up is such a great thing. I don't use make-up to hide my no-make-up self and I think it's not really worth doing that. You should totally stay true to yourself, but make-up can help you enhance your features. Make-up can also show your creativity and it can totally change you :) It's a nice way to express yourself and show the people how you are and what you like. I'm not superficial and that's not what I have make-up for.

5. If you could only wear 4 products on your face what would they be?
Um...probably foundation, eyebrow pencil, mascara and lipgloss.

6. What is your favorite thing about makeup?
Makeup is amazing. For this question I would probably say something like in number 4, but the main thing I like about it is that you can totally change, be someone different and have so much fun with it.

7. What do you think about drugstore makeup vs high end makeup?
Well, you know I'm mainly into drugstore make-up, just because I can't afford high end make-up. I think that there are both good and bad products available in both categories. It also depends on what you want and how much money you're going to invest into these things. It depends what you're going for and stuff, but there is definitely no need to just have high end products.

8. What is one tip of advice you can give to a beginner?
I know probably most people would say this, but it's really true: Practice is key. Just keep on trying and you'll get better :)

9. What is one makeup trend you never understood?
When people line their lips with a very dark color but don't fill them in. I'm sure you know what I mean :) Don't like that.

10. What do you think about the beauty community on YouTube?
I think it's great, there are these so amazing people, and I really enjoy watching them. But you also have to keep in mind that there are some fake people that only do it because they get money for it. I would have never thought that there was such a huge community, but it feels great to know about people out there that feel the same as you about make-up and stuff.

To me, this is an important thing to do, because I don't want anyone to think I'm a superficial person. The answers I wrote should probably give you an idea of that.
I want everyone of my readers to do this tag :) Let me know if you really do so and I'll see you guys later.
xoxo, Misch
BTW, this is my 100th post :) Yay!! And thanks so much to all of my lovely readers :)

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