
Sunday 17 October 2010

Haul: OPI & China Glaze

Hi there,
I have a haul today! Yay, I haven't posted one in a while which means I was pretty good, but about two weeks ago I just couldn't say no. There was a really good exchange rate, so I was able to get these polishes for not that much money, and, I saw swatches of the latest OPI collections and had to have some :) Luckily Trasdesign already had them, so I ordered 3 OPI nail polishes and 2 China Glaze colors.

These are the colors I got:
OPI Swiss Collection : I'm Suzi & I'm a Chocoholic. A really pretty brownish red brick creme.
OPI Burlesque Collection : Sparkle-icious. A clear polish with gold, purple and blue glitter in it.
OPI Burlesque Collection: Risin Star. A bronze-y gold shimmer color.
China Glaze : For Audrey. A pale torquoise creme, looks like the packages Tiffany jewelry comes in.
China Glaze Summer Days Collection (last year) : Strawberry Fields. A pink with gold glass-flecks in it.
I love all of the polishes, they're so pretty! Expect some NOTD coming up! :)

That's it for today, I'll see you soon!
Bye, Misch

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