
Wednesday 6 October 2010

Essence New Permanent Line

Hi again,
I kinda figured it out how I want to do the thing with the new Essence permanent line, so here's how I'm gonna do it:
In this post I'll just show you some pictures and stuff, but no haul, because I decided not to buy a ton of things right away, but wait until I really need something and just by the things I want one after another. All you are gonna see are reviews. I'm trying to write a post about every new product I buy/bought to tell you how I like the stuff! Is that okay for you?
Here are the pictures:

By the way: My fist poll is over and you told me that I should do more neutral looks for school, more reviews and more nail art. Neutral looks will definitely be coming up, and since there is the new Essence permanent line, you'll get some reviews as well. Only nail art will be a bit tough to handle, because I go to school and don't have enough time to do a lot of nail art. Also, I can't do every design for school. I'm trying to do it, but excuse it if I don't get to it that often, okay?
And I also started another poll about my toppics to write about, so if you take that one as well, it will help a lot. :) Thanks to everyone who will do it and to everyone who took the first poll.

Okay guys, that's it for today :)
I'll see you soon! Bye, Misch

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