
Tuesday 8 June 2010

20 Question Tag!

Hey everyone, today I decided to do the 20 Question Tag!! I hope you'll enjoy it!!

1.Thing you cannot leave the house without
My cellphone and lipgloss
2.Favorite brand of makeup
I don't really have one...there are certain ones that I love because of their nail polishes, some of their eyeshadow, etc...But I really like drugstore makeup, I don't just buy department store brands...For those I often don't have enough money
3.Favorite Flowers
Don't really know...maybe orchids...
4.Fav clothing stores
Pimkie, H&M, New Yorker, Fashion Club
5.Fav perfume
At the moment: Yves Rocher's Aquarelles Vegetales... It's the new summer edition and I love the peachy, citrus scent :)
6.Heels or flats?
Flats most of the time...They're more comfortable ;) But I also wear heels sometimes
7.Do you make good grades?
Yes, I do :)
8.Fav colors
Most of the time colorful :) I like a lot of colors, especially pink, blue and yellow
9.Do you drink energy drinks?
No, I don't.
10.Do you drink juice?
Yes, together with water almost every day.
11.Do you like swimming?
Yeah. But I prefer it in the summer :)
12.Do you eat fries with a fork?
No, actually not ;)
13.Whats your fav moisturizer?
I haven't found a really good one yet. At the moment I use Essence's Anti Spot Moisturizer, and it's okay, but the anti spot effect is not there and as soon as I finish it up I'm going to get a different one. Tell me if you know good ones!
14.Do you want to get married later on in life?
Yes, I think so. But who knows that now?
15.Do you get mad easily?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. That depends on my mood and what it's about.
16.Are you into ghost hunting?
No, not really.
17.Any phobias?
I don't think so.
18.Do you bite your nails?
I used to, but years ago, when I was in 6th grade, I stopped because I was getting into nail polishes and it looked gross.
19.Have you ever had a near death experience?
No, and I don't hope I'll have one in the near future.
20.Do you drink coffee?
Not every day, but often. I love Starbucks and McDonals Mocha Frappe.

I tag everyone who wants to do this tag :)
I'll see you guys soon!!

Disclaimer: I'm not payed for this blog post. The opinions are all my own. No product was sent to me for free.

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