
Sunday 31 March 2013

Happy Easter!

HAPPY EASTER everyone!
I hope all of you have a great day spent with your family, get to eat some eggs and chocolate and have a lovely time! Have lots of fun!
And even if you don't celebrate Easter, I still hope you have a great day!
All my love,
xoxo, Misch

Saturday 30 March 2013

NOTD March 30th: Essence Cute As Hell LE - 04 Date Me

Hey there!
Today I'd like to show you another rather old spring nail polish, Date Me by Essence.
Date Me is a muted lilac creme, with gray undertones. It's not really a pastel, it feels more like the muddy side of spring.
Application was good, I did 2 coats for full opacity. It was very squishy and nice to apply.
Date Me was part of the Spring 2010 Cute As Hell Collection, so it's unfortunately no longer available, but I'm sure you'll be able to find a similar shade :)
What do you think of it?
xoxo, Misch

Friday 29 March 2013

Review: Catrice Camouflage Cream 01 Ivory

Hey there!
Today I'd like to review a product I've been trying for a couple of weeks now, Catrice's new Camouflage Cream. Here you go:
  • Catrice Camouflage Cream 
  • part of Catrice's permanent line since Spring 2013
  • this is the lightest shade, 01 Ivory
  • contains 3g 
  • costs 2,95 Euros
  • promises full coverage
  • price
  • nice light shade available, matching for my skin tone
  • easy to apply with fingers or brush
  • creamy consistency
  • really provides full coverage
  • can look cake-y
  • accentuates dry areas
  • it caused me some break-outs
After all, this is a great camouflage cream, it covers everything up really greatly. My problem was that I used it for a couple of days on a bad area of my face, with a couple of pimples, and it only made everything worse. That does make sense, obviously, because with such high coverage it'll definitely clog your pores. So I gotta say, I only recommend it for a sparse use!
Has anyone of you tried it?
xoxo, Misch

Thursday 28 March 2013

NOTD March 28th: Kiko - 279

Hey there!
Today I want to show you Kiko's nail polish in the color 279.
279 is a bright yellow creme. It's as simple as that, no undertones whatsoever.
Application was nice, especially considering that yellows can be so hard to apply from time to time! This one, however, has a nice consistency and just needed 2 coats.
I really love this bright shade, it's so much fun and makes me think of summer :)
What do you think of it? I think I'll be doing a comparison of yellow creme shades soon :)
xoxo, Misch

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Award Time!

Ho ricevuto il Sunshine Award di Robilia *click*, grazie mille per questo!
Robilia scriva un blog in italiano, e so parlare italiano un po', allora ho deciso di fare questo in italiano! Per tutti che non sanno parlare l'italiano, lo farò in inglese anche :)
Le regole per il Sunshine Award: prima devo rispondere alle domande, e poi taggare 12 blogger con meno di 200 iscritti.
Cominciamo con le domande!
  1. Il tuo colore preferito Per cominciare una domanda difficile! Amo molti colori, sopratutto i colori vivaci. Quando devo decidere, sceglierei l'azzurro e il giallo. 
  2. Il tuo animale preferito I parrucchetti ondulati, perché ne ho due, e li amo molto.
  3. Bevanda analcolica preferita Il caffè! Lo bevo tutto il tempo!
  4. La mia passione Ho molte passioni! Per esempio scrivere il mio blog o ballare! 
  5. Numero preferito Non davvero ho un numero preferito, ma penso che forse sceglierei il 6 :)
  6. Facebook o Twitter Non ho un account Twitter, e non penso che ho bisogno di uno. Sono contenta con il mio Facebook!
  7. Preferisci fare regali o riceverli Fare regali perché amo scegliere una cosa buona per offrire, una cosa che piace alla persona :)
  8. Modello preferito Non ho un modello preferito, mi dispiace!
  9. Giorno preferito Il sabato, perché ho tutto il giorno per fare tutte le cose che mi piaciono!
  10. Fiore preferito Amo molti fiori, ma sopratutto i tulipani. Mi fanno pensare della primavera :)
Non voglio scegliere 12 blogger per taggare, ma voglio dare quest'award a tutti di voi! I miei iscritti, il Sunshine Award, è per voi! Grazie per leggere il mio blog :)

Now, in English :D I received the Sunshine Award from Robilia, as linked above, thank you so much! As her blog is in Italian I thoght I might give it a try and do this in Italian! I know I'm not really that great, but considering that I only learn it at school for a little more than a year now, I think I did quite well :D
For this award you have to answer 10 questions and then tag 12 bloggers with less than 200 readers. Here you go:
  1. Favorite color right at the beginning a difficult question :D I mainly like bright, fun colors, but it's hard to choose one! I guess I'd go with blue and yellow.
  2. Favorite animal definitely budgies, I own two myself and I love them!
  3. Favorite drink coffee all the way! I drink it all the time!
  4. Your passion I kind of have a lot of passions, such as writing this blog or dancing :)
  5. Favorite number I don't think I really have one, but I'd probably choose the number 6.
  6. Facebook or Twitter I don't even have a Twitter, I don't think it's all that necessary for me. I do love my Facebook, however!
  7. Do you prefer giving away or receiving presents? I prefer giving them away, because I love picking out something for that person, something special that will make them happy :)
  8. Favorite model Don't have one, sorry!
  9. Favorite day Definitely Saturday, as I have all day to do what I want!
  10. Favorite flower I love a lot of flowers, but most I guess tulips. They make me think of spring :)
Concerning the bloggers to tag: I decided not to tag anyone in particular, but give this Sunshine Award to all of you! My lovely followers, you are great, and you deserve this award :)
Thank you so much!

xoxo,  Misch

Tuesday 26 March 2013

NOTD March 26th: H&M - Dollar Green

Hey there!
The next spring shade I'd like to show you is a mind, Dollar Green by H&M!
Dollar Green is a pale mint shade. It's a creme, and quite cool-toned.
Application was good, it has a nice and creamy consistency. I did 2 coats here.
Unfortunately, Dollar Green was a limited edition nail polish a couple of years ago. However, you will definitely be able to find a comparable mint shade, think Essie Mint Candy Apple or China Glaze Re-fresh Mint.
I really love this shade for spring, it's super pretty and fun :)
What do you think of it?
xoxo, Misch

Monday 25 March 2013

the mint bucket.

Hey there!
Today I'd like to show you a cute little decoration element I recently picked up. It's a mint-colored little bucket!
I bought this little bucket at Butlers, and it was 3,95 Euros. They actually have these in lots of different colors, just check their online store! I always love shopping there because they have the cutest and most creative things for decoration :)
Around my bucket I put a little ribbon, the one with the wooden beads :) I love how the pink and the mint work together!
So far I only have this one sitting on a shelf, but I plan on adding a little plant, maybe with matching pink flowers :)
It's these little things that make me think of spring and feel good :)
What do you think of it?
xoxo, Misch

Saturday 23 March 2013

NOTD March 23rd: Essence Cute As Hell LE - 01 Naughty But Nice

Hey there!
Today I'd like to show you an old Essence shade, called Naughty But Nice.
Naughty But Nice is a pale yellow creme. I'd say it's somewhat of a banana shade, don't you think?
Application was fine. Yellow pastels are never easy to apply, and this one was very streaky at first. I ended up needing 3 coats to get it opaque, but it's still okay.
Naughty But Nice was part of the Cute As Hell LE of spring 2010! Considering its age, this nail polish is still really great!
I love the shade for spring! What do you think of it?
xoxo, Misch

Friday 22 March 2013

Review: Synergen Body Butter Vanilla & Patchouli

Hey there!
Today I'd like to review another body product, Synergen's Body Butter Vanilla and Patchouli.
  • Synergen Body Butter Vanilla and Patchouli 
  • contains 250ml 
  • costs 1,95 Euros  
  • available at Rossmann only
  • has a creamy consistency
  • price
  • amazing vanilla scent
  • scent lasts quite long on your skin
  • great consistency
  • easy to apply
  • is very rich and moisturizes deeply
  • also good for dry skin
  • the scent might be too strong for you
  • it takes quite long to soak in completely
  • it's limited
After all, I'm a huge fan of this body butter! I love love love the scent, and if you do, too, I absolutely recommend it! 
What do you think of vanilla-scented body butters?
xoxo, Misch

Thursday 21 March 2013

NOTD March 21st: Essie - Peach Daiquiri

Hey there!
Today I'd like to show you a super fun spring shade, Peach Daiquiri by Essie.
Peach Daiquiri is a bright pink coral shade. The pink part is definitely the dominant one here, but due to the coral it is rather warm-toned. It's a creme.
Application was really really great! I love the squishy consistency, and it went on smoothly. I only did a second coat to avoid visible nail line, it wasn't even really necessary! I love that!
This is such a fun shade for spring and summer, I can imagine myself wearing this on my toes all the time!
Peach Daiquiri is part of Essie's permanent line and should be available wherever they sell Essie.
What do you think of it? And would you like me to do a comparison with it?
xoxo, Misch

Wednesday 20 March 2013

DIY Deathly Hallows Jute Bag

Hey guys!
Today I'd like to share a little DIY project I did a couple of days ago. You know these jute bags, the normal plain ones? A lot of stores sell them with some saying on them, but I decided to put my own design onto it! After thinking for a while I settled for a Deathly Hallows design, just because that's like my go-to logo. I just love it so much!
First of all, I had to find a regular and plain jute bag. Luckily I still had one laying around from grocery shopping! Then I just had to pick out black fabric paint (which you can get at your local craft store) and a brush. Also, pull the jute bag over something to protect the back!
I started by drawing the sign on with a pencil, and then went over the lines with the fabric paint. I did two coats to be sure it's opaque!
As a last step to fix the design, I had to iron it because the bottle of fabric paint said so. And tada, my awesome bag! I love it, it's super simple and fun!
What do you think of it? What would you put on your bag?
xoxo, Misch

Tuesday 19 March 2013

NOTD March 19th: Catrice - Up In The Air

Hey there!
Today I'd like to show you another pretty spring shade, Up In The Air by Catrice.
Up In The Air is a light blue color. It looks like it has a teeny tiny bit of violet in it, and in some lights it appears to be some kind of a denim shade. It's a creme.
Application was great, this had a nice consistency and only required 2 coats for full opacity. Like that!
Up In The Air isn't available anymore as far as I know, really sad! It's not that much of a unique shade, however. But I like it a lot!
What do you think of it?
xoxo, Misch

Monday 18 March 2013

April 2013 LE Previews

Hey there!
Today I'd like to shade some LE previews for April with you guys!
Essence will be releasing an LE called Floral Grunge, and it can be seen here *click*. To me this LE looks very cute, but none of the products are actually all that interesting to me. I fear the lipglosses won't be pigmented enough, and I'm also not too much of a fan of the eyeshadows. But whatever, it still looks okay.
Catrice will be releasing 2 LE in April, and the first one is gonna be called Candy Shock, which can be seen here *click*. With this one I love the pastel nail polishes, and the blush and highlighter! Looking forward to it :)
Catrice's second LE will be called Geometrix, and it can be seen here *click*. This one is very colorful, and it looks very fun! I don't know how much will actually be wearable for me, but I look forward to seeing it at the store.
What do you think of these LEs?
xoxo, Misch

Sunday 17 March 2013

NOTD March 17th: Catrice - Sold Out Forever (old)

Happy St Patrick's Day everyone!
I don't know whether you celebrate it, but I do :D I'm not Irish or anything, but a couple of friends and I will be going to the parade and the parties today! Enjoy the festivities!
Matching for St. Patty's Day, I'd like to show you a green nail polish today. It's an old Catrice one, called Sold Out Forever, the old version.
Sold Out Forever is a light mint shade, but not as blue-toned as most mints are. I guess it's more of a linden green? It has a secret, barely visible golden shimmer to it.
Application was great, it has a nice and creamy consistency, but isn't thick. I ended up doing 3 thin coats to make sure I don't have any visible nail line.
This version of Sold Out Forever is unfortunately discontinued, and they released a different shade under this name, which is now discontinued, too. Don't know why they did this, this shade is absolutely gorgeous!
What do you think of it?
xoxo, Misch

Saturday 16 March 2013

Spotted: Essence Sun Kissed LE

Hey there!
Today I'd like to talk about Essence's current LE, called Sun Kissed. Even though we only have March, this is a summer LE.
It contains 3 cream eyeshadows, 2 waterproof eye pencils, 2 lipsticks, 2 cheek tints, 1 shimmer powder, 4 nail polishes, 1 shimmer spray and self-tanning wipes. All promo pics can be seen here *click*.
The cream eyeshadows are all shimmery and come in the shades golden, bright blue, and a brownish cranberry. They're all pretty, and pigmentation seemed to be good. I just feared I wouldn't use them often enough, so I left them at the store.
The waterproof eye pencils come in the shades blue and orange, surely fun, but not my shades.
The lipsticks are a deep wine and a bright orange, and they're supposed to be semi-sheer. Didn't like the colors too much.
The cheek tints are very dark shades, and very red-toned. I tried them at the store, and a tiny bit tinted my skin already so much, I was seriously scared! So I didn't get them, although the shades are pretty, because with my light skin tone I fear it would be hard to pull off.
The shimmer powder looks good, but for me the main golden part was too shimmery.
The nail polishes are all fun shades which work great with the colors of the other products, but they weren't all that interesting to me.
The shimmer spray and the self-tanning wipes are products I wouldn't try, can't tell you anything about them.

After all, this is a nice LE with a great theme. I enjoyed looking at it, but I didn't feel the need to own anything. And isn't it a little early for a summer LE?
What do you think of it?
xoxo, Misch

Friday 15 March 2013

NOTD March 15th: Catrice - I Scream Peach

Hey guys!
Today I'd like to show you another spring nail polish, I Scream Peach by Catrice.
I Scream Peach is a coral creme. It's a tue coral in my opinion, neither too orange nor too pink.
Application was good, even though I've owned this for years, it still has a nice and creamy, but not thick, consistency. I did 3 coats for avoid visible nail line.
I think that I Scream Peach isn't available anymore, with all of the permanent line changes over the years this was discontinued once. But I'm sure you'll be able to find a similar shade!
What do you think of it?
xoxo, Misch

Thursday 14 March 2013

Yummy Fruit!

Hey there!
Today I'd like to talk about food! Nothing fancy, just things I love, and right now, that is fruit!
I love having fruit for breakfast, or actually any time during the day. For me it's a great snack, plus it's very healthy!
What kinds of fruit I recently had is what I'd like to show you. For breakfast, I made myself a bowl of apples, grapes, strawberries, pineapple and banana! This was super yummy! Also tastes great with some yogurt.
I hope the pictures make you wanna eat some fruit now, too :D
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
xoxo, Misch